I've Been Trying To Reach You: diptych, mixed media on 48 x 48 wood boxes
[photo, blueprints, acrylic wash, pencil, balsa wood]

I'm fascinated by lines. I use linework in most every piece. Lines have unlimited uses, they can be instructional, directional, they can have an endpoint, they can be eternal, they are either real, or representational. Lines have the instant ability to guide the eye, and for an artist, it's a handy tool I often use to guide the viewer. In contrast, lines don't have to lead to anything- sometimes in my work, they are everywhere, like my busy little head.
I love the line.
the roof interior of the red round barn in Arcadia, Ok. on Rt.66:
I think my interest in the line goes back to childhood. I grew up around blueprints and construction. The men in my life, had trades that involved architecture and blueprints, drafting and mathematics. I didn't discover this fascination until my early 20's. But now I'm obsessed with it.

Sol LeWitt was a little "intense" with his relationship with lines. These are some inspiring wall drawings. LeWitt would actually write instructions for his massive drawings, so that any draftsman could reproduce them. It's incredibly mathematical, and architectural, some pieces are for individual spaces, linking points and lines to architectural detail and elements within a room, or wall, or specific space. very cool:
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