Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Why Conceptual Art?

The essence of abstract expressionism is conceptual art, meaning that while principals and elements of design are considered in the composition, the concept in most cases is far more important than the aesthetic qualities of the piece. Concept driven work can be loaded with emotive content.

My recent series of works on paper are documentations of emotional reactions to events that have occurred over the past few months. It's an archive of self-exploration.

?Why should anyone find this significant? Because, as people, as a unit, as a society, we can ALL relate.

There is a narrative that I'm offering. If the viewer will take a few moments to become aquatinted with the work, I hope they will find a genuine human connection with the piece. We have common conditions, emotions, and reactions. There is an opportunity to understand, relate, and take comfort.


Definition: person's experiences


attainment, behavior, circumstances, conduct, development, enjoyment, enlightenment, growth, hand one is dealt, happiness, human condition, journey, knowledge, lifestyle, participation, personality, realization, suffering, trials and tribulations, vicissitudes, way of life, world

Saturday, April 10, 2010

my life in art

My recent body of works on paper, (monotype screen prints), are a reaction to daily occurrences in my life. They are literally a visual documentation of feelings, thoughts, and emotional content as a result of my environment and circumstances beyond my control. You can read my narrative, and the past 4 months of my life in this body of work. This particular piece is violent and full of hate. All I can say about it is... don't fuck with my grandma.

I'm obsessed with time because I want to keep you with me

Don't leave me I need you.

This piece is a reaction to my grandma's recent diagnosis with minor pneumonia. She is better now. But I was frightened and desperate that day, and thankful for all she's done. A brave woman, with 10 children, my grandma now has 40 (give or take) grandchildren. A hard life, she loves us sweetly, and sacrificed her life long for all her family. She is a hero and an angel. My godsend. I have no doubt she saved my life, and is owed all of my gratitude.

I'll fix it

I'm sorry you're in this place. If I could I'd fix it. I want you to be safe. I'm sorry you're worried. But I always love you, I want to protect you. And I really wish I could fix it. We have our love, that makes it worth it all. I'll fix it. Sweet sweet sweet little agony, I take what you have for me. We all want you to change.

I want to make it right, everything, everyone I love, I want to take care of. Blessing and a curse, because I need control, I like to know what the future holds. I agonize over loving dear ones and making us comfortable. But I just love them.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

this is not just a bear...

I still sleep with him every night, and have since I was four. Someone special gave him to me. I keep him on my bed, I kiss him before I leave for the day.
I realize keeping this old object might seem a little juvenile, but the truth is, I feel like these things can carry and keep energy. I feel loved and cared for, and protected when I have this bear, and I remember the feeling of my granddad, whom I miss with every fiber of my being. I cherish that bear, like I cherish his memory, and when I feel desperate, I hold my bear tight and close to me.
I was attached to him as a child, my dependence developed immediately upon opening a preset, Christmas 1986.
The print above (16x20 on Fabriano) accommodates an image of my bear, repeated 3 times, (for a better composition and significance of representation), in addition to faded ladders and text, (which was a free write in graphite directly on the paper). I love to practice free-writing exercises when producing artwork, it offers me a distinct direction and awareness to where my heart and thoughts are. The free-writing always surprises me when I read over it, sometimes I offer secrets to myself! This piece describes the roses I take to my grandpa's grave, and an invitation for him to visit me while I'm alseep- I like to think that my dreams of him are occasional visits, I hope they are.